DIY Doormat : Welcome Mat Ideas

If you are even as close to as big of a fan of Amazon as we our at our house, then hopefully you will find today’s post funny.  I am always excited to do anything where I get to team up with a group of talented bloggers and share ideas.  I love creating for the blog, but it’s even more fun when I get to collaborate with others! 🙂 When Ashley from Modern Glam invited me to participate in this fun DIY Doormat blog hop, I couldn’t pass up the chance to whip something up for fall.  Tis the season to start Christmas shopping and decking out the house, so that means it’s time for Amazon to be frequenting our house. 😉  Hopefully this DIY doormat idea will give both you and your delivery person a chuckle. Be sure and visit all the ideas listed at the bottom of this post for some serious inspiration!

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This has to be one of the simplest DIYs on the planet.  Only a few supplies and a couple minutes of your time.(affiliate links are included in this post)

  1. Plain, durable PVC back and a natural coir front doormat (I bought this one…and I bought it too big for my step.  Be sure to measure yours first! lol!) 😉
  2. Black Spray Paint (this is what I used)
  3. 2 sets of Letter Stencils (these are the ones I used)
  4. Paper
  5. Scissors
  6. Tape

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I bought 2 sets of letter stencils because the set I found only had one of each letter.  I wanted to be able to create my template all at once without having to spray paint each letter separately.  I cut out and arranged my letter stencils to say “Insert Prime Box” and taped the letters together to create one large stencil with the phrase on it.  Once I had the letters all taped together, I then filled in all of the spots where I didn’t want paint to get through with white paper, essentially covering the entire doormat except for where paint could get through the letter stencil.

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Using the template I created, I spray painted the phrase onto the doormat.  Let the spray painted letters dry for 10 minutes or so. 

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While the letters were drying I cut a square frame out of card stock and then made a smaller square to fill in the spot in the middle where I didn’t want paint.  This created the outline of a box when I painted it.  I covered up the rest of the mat and painted the box.  I then let the whole doormat dry overnight and it was all set to use.

Diy doormat

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Creative Director at Pink Peppermint Design
Tammy Mitchell is the founder and creative director of lifestyle blog Along with being a homeschooling mom of two kiddos, she is also an in-demand prop and event stylist, photographer, interior and graphic designer. On Pink Peppermint Design, she shares creative DIY projects, easy entertaining and gift ideas, inspiring interiors and events. She lives in Southern California, with her husband and two children.
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