Hi guys! I have been THE WORST blogger the last week or so and I apologize. Things on the home front have been CRAZY busy and I barely even had time to sit in front of the computer this last 2 weeks. That may just be the single longest blogging pause in my history of blogging over 13 years now…I’ve been stressing out about it! lol!
The good news is, that since I’ve been so busy it means there is LOTS of good content to catch up on and share over the next couple of weeks. Woohoo! If you follow along on Instagram, you probably noticed I spent all of last week up at the Midway Modern Farmhouse remodel and boy was it fun! While we still have a few things left to finish up design wise while we wait on some furniture pieces and such, the sweet family we have been working for moved in this week to spend Thanksgiving there together. Such a special time! So let’s share some pictures…shall we?! Here are some fun before and afters to give you a taste of what we’ve been working on. We’ll get this beauty properly photographed here in the next month or so, and then I’ll share the really good stuff all decked out! 😉
Front door before:
front door after:
kind of amazing, right?
Entry way before:
and after:
The kitchen before: (these are the best pictures I have from the MLS listing last year) 😉
and a sneak peek of after…
The family room before:
and a peek of this room after too…
eat in kitchen nook before:
and where Thanksgiving will be happening tomorrow: (we are waiting on one more set of black chairs)
Alright, that’s it for today…but don’t worry…I’ll be back with more soon. I just can’t give it all away now! 😉
I need to go take more pictures! lol!
I’ll be back a little bit later today with all the best pre-black Friday sales. I can’t believe it’s already that time! I’m sure you are anxiously prepping sides and pies and will be ready to shop this afternoon…and SO many sales have already started! Hip hip hooray!
Have a great day!