Rainbow tag 3

Free St. Patrick’s Day Printables : Taste the Rainbow

I don’t know about you, but when I was growing up, St. Patrick’s Day wasn’t all that of a big deal.  If you remembered, you would wear something green to school that day so that the kids didn’t pinch you, but other than that, there really wasn’t a whole lot of hoopla surrounding it.  Well, … Read more

Rainbow tag 3
St. Patrick's Day Party Ideas

Holiday Parties: Cute St. Patrick’s Day Party Ideas

Growing up St. Patrick’s Day was NOT a big holiday in our house. It was more or less a day that we just made sure that we wore something green so we didn’t get pinched. Well, fast forward to today and things have changed a little in our house. 😉 Now St. Patrick’s Day is … Read more

St. Patrick's Day Party Ideas
Leaprechaun header

DIY: St. Patrick’s Day Candy Pops

I am a sucker for a good holiday celebration! And since I am 1/4 Irish, I count down until March, when I get to cook up as much hearty Irish food as my family can handle, decorate with way too much green, and summon mischievous leprechauns to wreak a little havoc around the house, and … Read more

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