Bringing the fringe trend into home decor

Interior Design: On the Fringe

via buzzfeed You’ve seen it on bags, shoes, jewelry…those cute little tassels and fringe that gives everything a playful, whimsical look.  Well, good news…that trend has headed indoors too! via casa sugar You only used to find fringe on grandma’s couch…not anymore!  Now grandma’s couch is hip again. 😉 via decorative bedroom Create an intimate, … Read more

Bringing the fringe trend into home decor
Diy playbook diy playbook 0041

Interior Design: Beautiful Dining Room by DIY Playbook

A few months back I was invited to team up with HomeGoods for some fun projects.  It has been such a fun experience for me, and to make it even better, I have been able to get to know some super talented designers. I instantly fell in love with DIY Playbook’s style.  Bridget and Casey are so talented and … Read more

Diy playbook diy playbook 0041