Happy Saturday! It’s been a little bit of a lazy one for us. John is always up and at ’em early and can’t understand why I like to sleep in. Well, maybe he forgets that I’m the one on teenager duty. 😉 I remember the nights of coming home from late football games and nights spent with friends to my very tired mom dutifully sitting in the arm chair in our living room with a single lamp on, waiting for me to get home safely and tell her about my night. With out a doubt we’d then stay up for another hour (sometimes longer) discussing every little detail like only a teenage girl can do. lol! Now I understand why she often needed a quick power nap in the middle of the day. This whole parenting thing is exhausting! The good news about having hours to kill on a Friday night waiting for a teenager to get home? Plenty of time to browse for all the good stuff and put together the Weekend Wishlist!
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It’s always funny to me when I start pulling items to put on the weekend wishlist, how somehow, more often than not, they seem to come together to make this pretty, color coordinated collage all on their own. I love it. It makes my design loving heart so happy. 😉
A few things I want to highlight:
is gorgeous and it is currently (at least at the time of publishing) in stock. As many of you are aware, National Tree Company, Balsam Hill and all the major Christmas tree manufacturers have said there will not be many trees out there this year. If you are on the hunt for one, get it now! and so are the others on this list. (look near the bottom of the post)
I love . You won’t believe where it’s from….or the price! 😉
I want to crawl into and snuggle up allllll weekend long. I love the calming color of it too.
I LOVE . It would make a great gift too. Wrap them up with a pretty bow and you’re all set!
I’m going neutral for Christmas this year and are a serious contender for the couch or maybe the bed…I can’t decide…I want them everywhere! 😉
Love the shape and color of …and that it’s on super sale. It would make a great gift!
is SO pretty! I’m hunting for a place to put it…but something else is going to have to leave while John is out of town. 😉 lol!
In case you missed it, I mentioned some cute classic Christmas decor I’m loving here. and this time of year especially, don’t forget to join me over on my LTKit shop. I am publishing tons of gift and shopping guides there this time of year. I try to get them all here on the blog, but sometimes I forget a few or they don’t make it here. I love that the ShopLTK app makes it so easy to shop and find things. I use it constantly with all my favorite bloggers!
I hope you have a wonderful weekend! I’m off to cheer on my Cougars!
Happy Shopping!