How was your Christmas? I hope it was wonderful and restful and filled with family, food and fun. Ours was quiet with just the three of us and dare I say…I LOVED it? Of course I wish Andy had been with us, and frankly, he was most of the day on FaceTime, but it was SO relaxing I might have to adopt a “no extended family allowed on Christmas” rule! HA! 😉 Don’t tell them that! 😉 We made our traditional dinner, but without an army to cook for it didn’t take very long and the kitchen stayed clean. WHAT?! I wrapped gifts ahead of time (a first for me) and actually got to SLEEP on Christmas Eve…I know, I know…a true Christmas miracle. Christmas morning we woke up at a leisurely 8:30am, opened gifts, cleaned up and made some delicious and SUPER easy avocado toast for brunch. It was a glorious day of rest and relaxation..and family visits on FaceTime. We spent Saturday doing much of the same…relaxing and walking at the harbor, and yesterday was full of church, naps and movies. Fantastic!
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Now it’s time to get down to business. Taking down the Christmas decor. Believe it or not, I used to get a little emotional every time I took down the Christmas decor. I didn’t want the season to end. I still don’t like for all the Christmas festivities and fun to be over, but now I definitely appreciate the whole cleaning up part a LOT more. I love to start January feeling fresh and organized and with a clean slate. It wasn’t until we moved to Utah a few years ago, that I decided to up my organization game and actually purchase some real deal organizational supplies for my Christmas decor rather than using old cardboard boxes and grocery bags that I had lying around. Now I wonder why it took me so long to do it. It has made not only putting everything away SO much easier, but also getting things back out and putting them up again each Christmas so much nicer! Since we have been back in the OC house this Christmas, I was ordering some ornament boxes and such on Saturday to organize the decor here, and I thought I would put together a post on how I organize my Christmas decorations in hopes of helping you to make your life easier too. 🙂
When it comes to storing ornaments, these boxes are the best ones I’ve found. Each box holds about 64 4″ ball ornaments. I like these that have the zipper top on them. I have these with the regular box tops too, but the lids don’t stay on quite as well as I would like. If you store your ornaments in a tight space like under the bed, these longer boxes might be a better fit for you. Depending on how many ornaments you have, I like to organize mine by color…gold and sliver in one box, red and green in another etc. I switch up my decor a bit each year, so this helps me to identify which boxes I need to pull out when I start decorating, depending on what color scheme I’m going with. If you have a more traditional tree, and use the same decor each year, than it doesn’t matter as much which ornaments go in which box, just that there is a spot for each ornament.
When it comes to storing wreaths they can be a bit tricky. I like to use these bags and then hang them in a closet or in the garage. I prefer a closet though because the bags don’t get as dusty. These bags keep the wreaths in good condition and free of all the dust that can collect on them over the course of a year. Just make sure that you buy the right size of bag for your wreath. Simply measure the diameter of your wreath before you order to make sure you get the right size. 🙂
If your Christmas tree box looks anything like mine, then it’s a little beat up and there is no chance they tree is actually going to go back in it. 😉 A storage bag like this one is the way to go! It makes it very easy to put the tree away because it’s more flexible than the cardboard box. They are made with durable, waterproof material which is great for long term storage. If you want something that’s even easier to move around, this Christmas tree storage bag has wheels and you can roll it..similar to a rolling duffel. If you have smaller trees that you want to cover, these bags that go over the top of the trees are great to keep them clean and in good condition.
Okay, storing lights is the worst, right? I used to store my Christmas lights all in a big bin together, just kind of jumbled up. It was such a mess every year to get them out and untangled and put up. These boxes are a game changer. If you have big plastic boxes already, consider getting these light storage holders to use to wrap the lights around before you put them in the bin. If you have long strands of lights, these big rollers might be a better solution.
So, what about all the other odds and ends? Well, I like to use clear storage boxes. A set like these is great. Each individual box isn’t too big, so it doesn’t get too heavy. I have a lot of ceramic decor (little houses, trees etc.) so I like to have them in smaller bins so they are at less risk of breaking. I wrap each item individually with tissue or bubble wrap and then the bins stack neatly on top of each other. I like that they are clear so that I can see what is in each one, again, so that when I get everything out again next year, I can only get out the things that I really need.
How do you organize your Christmas decorations? Do you have any secrets to storing your decor in a super neat and organized way? I’d love to know about it! In the mood to get organized this year? Here are some other popular organization posts on the blog…
Pantry Design and Storage Inspiration
Organization Tips for Traveling with Kids
5 Steps for Organizing Kid’s Closets
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Happy Organizing!