March is a dangerous month. It’s Ash’s birthday month and typically Easter…or close to it. The weather is getting warmer, the days are getting longer, and well…I get the itch to shop and make-over our wintry closets with fun, frilly, spring-y clothes. Something about it being her birthday makes me feel like I have a license to just buy her anything I see that is cute. I made the mistake of clicking on a GAPKids email the other night and Oh, My!! Their girl clothes are to die for right now!! I find that they are really hit and miss sometimes for me…sometimes I can walk in there and want everything, and sometimes I’ll go in their for a few months and not really see one thing I want..well, this was not one of those times. 😉 This little girl of mine is growing so fast, she is literally down to one pair of jeans, NO shorts, and no other pants. That helped me feel a little more justified in filling my cart to the brim with these cute spring styles. 😉 The awesome 35% off coupon code didn’t hurt either. 😉 Here’s what is on it’s way…
is still in my cart…I don’t think it will be there for long. 😉
Those soft colors and pops of navy are just killing me. Add the feminine flutters and the eyelets and I’m hooked. Not to mention that adorable dress that looks like a popsicle! Oh summer! Hurry up and get here! 🙂
Right now you can use coupon code DOCTORISIN (thru March 15th) and get 35% off your purchase of $100 or more.
UPDATE!!! YOU CAN GET 40% off thru tonight (march 14th) with code FFBEST !! yay!
Do you have anything you are dying to get for your little ones? Have you seen something cute I need to know about? Shoot me an email! 🙂 I love a good find and a great sale! 🙂
Happy shopping!

I’ve been looking for some cut clothes for my two little girls for the spring, and I really like the clothes you’ve shown. Especially the green floral dress, and the ballet flats. I think that I’d like to look for something similar for them, thanks for these suggestions!
Hi Petunia! Thank you for your comment! I just absolutely love this line at the gap! I’m glad you found something you love. 🙂 Have a wonderful day!