HelloFresh Meals : How it Works & Why We Love it

Last week I shared a little bit about how I am working on my health and trying to walk and watch what I eat. I have been getting so many questions and comments about what I am doing, I am so surprised by the response! I am super grateful for your messages of encouragement, and I am totally humbled because, gosh, I am certainly no expert in this area…but I LOVE my sweet community and I am super happy to share everything I can in an effort to help whoever I can! I’ll do a series of posts about what I’m working on and how it’s helped me, but first and foremost, let’s talk about what I’m eating. About how HelloFresh meals have kind of saved me…and how it works, because that is a huge part of what is helping me make this change.

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Hello fresh meals

Right before the world was turned upside down last year, I decided that I wanted to give HelloFresh meals a try. Before I chose HelloFresh I did lots of research on meal plans…there are SO many now!  Everyone seems to have one and there is one for just about every kind of diet…which is so awesome. After comparing prices, looking at the types of meals you could choose from on a weekly basis, how many meals were available to choose from, and reading reviews…lots of reviews, I decided that HelloFresh was the best fit for our family and signed up for a subscription…3 meals a week for 4 people.

Hello fresh meals

When the cheerful green boxes started showing up on our doorstep just about the time that supplies started getting harder to find and grocery shopping felt almost scary, I felt extra lucky. We were all stuck in the house together and suddenly cooking at home for every meal and we had all kinds of new and exciting meals to try. Dinner as a family around the kitchen table became even more of an event every day and cooking it together was so fun, and easy enough that the kids could make the meals themselves. 

About this time I also was a little fearful that the extra weight I was carrying around was going to put me at greater risk of getting/having bad complications from the unknown with Covid. So many rumors were swirling and I started thinking about doing something about it. I knew one of the main things I needed was to change the way I eat! HelloFresh meals helped me get started! Here are a few of the many reasons that we’ve fallen in love with HelloFresh.

Hello fresh meals

Why I LOVE HelloFresh Meals

  • So many meals to choose from every week! There are 25 options every week everything from tacos to Lobster Ravioli. There are also several vegetarian options.
  • You can select meals based on the time it takes to prepare them. Every meal is clearly labeled with how long it takes to prepare. Average time is 25-30 minutes, but there are some meals that are as quick as 15 minutes to prepare. 
  • CALORIES per serving are clearly labeled on each recipe. This allows me to know ahead of time how many calories I need to save for dinner, and choose my meals based on calorie friendly options if I want to.
  • The Plans are SUPER flexible!! You can cancel, skip, or ship your box to another location whenever you want. With our lives as on the go as they are, I have boxes shipped to UT, CA and skip weeks when I know we’re going to have other dinner commitments or be out of town all the time. It is SUPER simple. 
  • There is NO waste. I am notorious for buying too many things at the grocery store that we end up wasting…now we use everything we have.
  • PORTION CONTROL. Meals are generous, but there is no option to over-do it because everything is divided up and used. Often when I cook at home it’s easy to go back for one more taco, or an extra helping of something I just don’t need. It’s also hard to know the calorie break-down or what a true serving size is. With Hello Fresh all the guess work is taken out of portion control. 
  • We try new things. We have had more types of cuisine in our home over the last year than ever before. We have tried so many things that we otherwise never would have and it has been fun. Out of probably a hundred meals we have only had a handful that we haven’t loved.
  • No meal prep or grocery shopping. Gotta say…I love this so much. After 20+ years of doing both, it’s nice to not have to think about this any more! lol!

How Does HelloFresh Work?

At the time that you set up your account, you select a delivery day for your HelloFresh Meals. Delivery days usually fall between Wednesday and Saturday. Whichever day you chose will be the day your meals are scheduled to arrive each week. You can always adjust this later too if you find out the day you originally chose isn’t as convenient for you.

Hello fresh meals

Each week, (or up to roughly four weeks in advance) you log-in to your HelloFresh account and select the meals you want to receive for the upcoming week. The HelloFresh website will automatically assign meals to you, usually a selection of their customer favorites, just in case you forget to do this one week. I usually go in once a month and select all of my HelloFresh meals for the upcoming month. That way, I know everything is all set and I don’t have to think about it again. 

Since my delivery day is Saturday, I need to make my meal selection or choose to skip the week by Monday of each week. After that they get busy preparing my order for delivery.

hello fresh mealsOn Saturday, sometime between 8am-8pm my cute green box arrives on my doorstep.  

Hello fresh meals

Inside each HelloFresh meal delivery box are

  • Full color, detailed recipe cards with great pictures
  • Bags of your ingredients separated by meal and labeled accordingly
  • meat for your meals separate from the other ingredients packed on ice

how does hello fresh work

Here are the ingredients for Chicken Cutlets a L’orange that we made last week…it was delicious!

how does hello fresh work

Everything is easily arranged and spelled out for you to make a fabulous meal in minutes. 

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It really is that easy and tastes even better than it looks. I feel quite gourmet when I cook too..which is a bonus. 😉 Cooking at home has been even more important this year and it has made my quest for better health easier and frankly more enjoyable because I look forward to trying new things, even though I am watching what I eat carefully. 

If you have any questions about HelloFresh, please don’t hesitate to ask and I’ll do my best to answer according to our experience. If you are thinking about trying it yourself, don’t miss out on this coupon to get $80 off.

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Have a great day!



Creative Director at Pink Peppermint Design
Tammy Mitchell is the founder and creative director of lifestyle blog pinkpeppermintdesign.com. Along with being a homeschooling mom of two kiddos, she is also an in-demand prop and event stylist, photographer, interior and graphic designer. On Pink Peppermint Design, she shares creative DIY projects, easy entertaining and gift ideas, inspiring interiors and events. She lives in Southern California, with her husband and two children.

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