Parties: Anchors Away : A Nautical Themed Party

I have the pleasure of working with the young women ages 12-18 at our church.  Each year a new yearly theme is introduced to the youth and there is a night to celebrate, introduce the new theme, and welcome those that will be turning 12 during the year to the program.  This year’s theme is all about Embarking in the Service of God.  It has been fun to watch the kids anxiously engaged in service to help others.  With a work like Embark in the theme, you can’t help but create a cruise ship themed event, right?  😉  With some serious help from a bunch of talented women, here’s a look at the Nautical Themed Party that we created for these cute girls…

nautical party ideas

nautical party ideas

nautical party ideas


nautical party ideasnautical party ideas

nautical party ideasnautical party ideas

nautical party ideas

nautical party ideas

Looking for more fun party ideas?  Here are a few other fun parties I have created:

Back to School Breakfast Party

Football Party

Pink, Mint and Gold Baptism Party

Modern Spider Theme Halloween Party

Pink Confetti Baby Shower

The Mermaid Party

Nancy Drew Movie Night Party

Disney Teen Beach Movie Night Party

Eloise Party

Fashion Camp Sewing Party

Carnival Themed Engagement Party

Modern Graduation Party

If you are planning a party, don’t miss our Entertaining Gallery and DIY Posts, full of helpful tips and useful information for your celebrations.

Do you have a favorite entertaining tip or a party to share?  I’d love to know about it!  Let me know about it in the comments.   You can join me on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest for more fun ideas about food, design, travel and entertaining.  Don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter (at the bottom of the post) so you don’t miss a thing!


Happy entertaining!



Creative Director at Pink Peppermint Design
Tammy Mitchell is the founder and creative director of lifestyle blog Along with being a homeschooling mom of two kiddos, she is also an in-demand prop and event stylist, photographer, interior and graphic designer. On Pink Peppermint Design, she shares creative DIY projects, easy entertaining and gift ideas, inspiring interiors and events. She lives in Southern California, with her husband and two children.

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