Halloween is one of my absolute favorite holidays. Every few years I throw a Halloween party for 50 of my closest friends. A chance to come up with a fun theme, create party food and decorations to work with that theme, and dress up? That is right up my alley. I usually start my party planning by browsing online for unique inspiration to get the creative juices flowing. Some cool looking pill bottles were the start of the inspiration for this spooky hospital themed party for Halloween. The Haunted Halloween Hospital theme gave me the chance to come up with with some fun hospital party ideas and creepy hospital Halloween decorations.
A good old fashioned invitation is always a must for me. I know that online invitations are the usual these days, but I am old school and feel like a good invitation really sets the tone for a party and builds the excitement. For these hospital themed party invitations, I purchased these amber colored pill bottles. I filled them with candy corn and created a prescription for a dangerously good time with all of the party details included on the label. I wanted the Halloween hospital theme to really be apparent right from the moment guests saw the invitations. Because all of the guests lived close by, these hospital theme party invitations were hand delivered to the guest’s doorsteps.
I wanted to transform the house without spending a fortune, and to me, a big focal wall is always a good idea. I found an old medical book that had been turned into a downloadable pdf file for sale on Etsy, and for the cost of the download, a ream of cream colored paper and some tape, I was able to transform the wall in my family room into a creepy looking, Halloween hospital theme party room with this homemade wall paper. In this post you can read how I transformed the wall in my family room with the old medical book pages. I added apothecary bottles with strange contents, like chocolate eyes and gummy ears to the mantel, as well as some old first aid and hospital supplies and a vintage doctor’s bag that I also found on Etsy.
I also found old medical books at an antique store that I used to decorate the mantel, along with some other creepy looking decor. I love these battery operated taper candles.
The idea was to turn the family room into a haunted hospital waiting room of sorts. I simply took normal things that you would find in a medical office and made them a little bit spooky. I made a “take a number” sign from cardboard. I added dead houseplants and creepy looking, old magazines.
The food is the most important part of any Halloween party, right? I did my best to name everything that was served after body parts. If I couldn’t think of a clever body-part name for them food item, I named it something else creepy. Here are a few of the creative food names I used:
Legs and thighs (chicken)
Bleeding heart brie – Brie topped with a Raspberry jam and served with crackers
Chips and Guacamoldy
Finger Food
I also bought a brain chocolate mold and made cupcakes with brains on top. For the fruit salad I bought these urine sample cups and used them as salad containers. It was hilarious.
Probably my absolutely favorite food surprise, is one that didn’t translate very well on film unfortunately. I cleared the regular kitchen table out of our kitchen nook and brought in a 6 foot folding table. I draped the wall behind it with white sheets (like you would find in a makeshift operating room) and hung a sign that read “surgery.” I ordered a 6 foot sub sandwich from our local sub shop, as well as two 2ft subs. I draped the table with a blue sheet, then laid the sandwiches down on the table to look like a body (6ft for the body, 2 ft for the arms) and covered it with another blue sheet. I added a skull as the head that was the only thing exposed. As a final touch I ordered a candy/fake blood bag and borrowed an IV pole from an oral surgeon friend of ours. It looked SO cool!
If you know me, then you know I am big on creating experiences for my guests. This Halloween party was no different. I love to bring in an element of competition to get everyone involved and having fun. For this hospital themed Halloween party, I created a photo scavenger hunt. I divided the guests into teams of 6 ahead of time and assigned couples to be drivers prior to the party. Once everyone arrived at the party and we ate our hospital theme party food, the competition began.
Each team was given a list with over 100 crazy things to do. Each item had a different point value, and there was NO way you could complete them all in the time allotted. This forced each team to pick and choose which activities they would complete, making each team’s hunt a bit different. Teams were given a 3 mile radius from our house in which they could complete the tasks.
I had gone ahead for a month taking pictures, mapping out routes, etc., to make sure that all of the tasks could be completed within the strip centers, malls, etc. that were found within that radius. Each team was given an hour and 45 minutes to finish as many of the tasks as they could. In order to receive the points for each one, they had to take a picture of themselves completing each each task. It was HILAROUS!! There were 10 teams of adults in crazy costumes running all over the city doing ridiculous things (all legal I might add 😉 )
When everyone gathered back at the house we tallied points, announced the winning team and watched a slide show of all the images from each team. It was SO funny! Here are just a few highlights:
Banging the giant drum at a local restaurant
Kissing a mannequin
on a tanning bed
riding a tricycle
planking at a local strip mall
in a shopping cart
pumping a stranger’s gas
in a drive thru window…not driving thru, but actually IN the window…
all wearing a piece of sporting equipment
and the list goes on. As you can see…it was pretty funny!
No party is complete at our house without some fun party favors. To go along with our Halloween hospital theme, I created a prescription candy bar. I added homemade prescription labels to glassine bags and guests were encouraged to fill their bags with things like beetle larvae and human blood capsules (hot tamales) to create their own concoction. It was a hit and worked great with the hospital themed party.
Looking for more fun Halloween party ideas? Here are some of our most popular:
Modern Spider Themed Halloween Party
If you are planning a party, don’t miss our Entertaining Gallery and DIY Posts, full of helpful tips and useful information for your celebrations.
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Have a great day!

I would really love to see your “The Haunted Hospital Themed Halloween Party”. However, only the lst picture is coming up. Would you mind reloading the pictures on you site? Or mind providing me with another way to see the pictures on this page, pretty, please?
Hope to hear from you soon. Rasheda 🙂
Love this party idea! I love the “scavenger hunt” idea too! I host an annual Wine and Witches… might need to step up my game! laura
so fun Laura! I need to be better about making ours an annual thing. So far I average about every other year. 😉