Happy November! I cannot believe I am saying that! It is so hard to believe that the holidays are already here. I am totally guilty of often skipping right over Thanksgiving and jumping into Christmas, but Thanksgiving is actually one of my favorite holidays. I love the food, family and friends with no expectations of gifts. Each Monday night in our home we set aside time for a family night. We usually have a quick lesson/devotional and then have time to chat and play a game or do something fun together. Lately we’ve been asking the kids to take a turn preparing the devotional. Last week it was Ashley’s turn, and knowing that Thanksgiving was coming up, she decided to share some thoughts about gratitude. As part of her devotional she shared this quick little video clip:
The title of the video really jumped out at me. Think to Thank. So simple, yet so often overlooked and forgotten. In a world that seems to be becoming increasingly difficult with people becoming less patient and kind, less understanding of each other and quite frankly just angry, I thought that this simple reminder to “Think to Thank” would be a good motto for this month.
Think to thank the person that holds the door for you, delivers your mail, bags your groceries, all those people in your life every day that might really appreciate someone looking them in the eye and saying thanks. Think to Thank God every day for the blessings you enjoy that make your day easier, teach you a lesson, for people that love you…everything. I think something so simple can make the world a happier place.
Here is a free Thanksgiving printable for the month to help remind you to “Think to Thank” this month and beyond.
Thank YOU for the support you give me here every day. I love to create…it is truly a passion for me and being able to share with you all brings me so much joy.
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Have a wonderful day!