Cupcake toppers are easy to make, are inexpensive, and add a personalized handmade touch to every gathering. The best part is, they only take minutes to make and can turn any store bought cupcakes or even appetizers into something special. While perusing the party store the other day for some Patriotic party ideas, I ran across some really cute supplies by one of my favorite companies. I spotted some adorable cupcake toppers and party picks that were perfect for the party table…and then I noticed the price. YIKES! I could not believe that it was over $11.00 for 24 toothpicks with some blue and red stars on them. Yes, you read that right! 24 toothpicks with some tiny bits of paper glued to them for $11 dollars!! Whoa. I knew I had star punches collecting dust in my craft bins, and I had toothpicks sitting in my kitchen cabinet…so I quickly ran home and got to work on my own DIY Cupcake Toppers with toothpicks. This post contains affiliate links.
-Standard Toothpicks
-Star Punches ( I used two sizes, this one is the larger size and this one is the smaller size star pick shown)
-Glue Gun (I used this one for this project)
-Glitter Cardstock (I purchased my sheets on sale at Hobby Lobby for $1 each, but it is much cheaper per sheet to buy a pack like this one if you think you will use several sheets and can use all the colors.)
Depending on how many cupcake toppers you need, punch out the number and sizes of stars you wish to use accordingly. I added one large red star and two smaller blue stars (one in each shade of blue paper I had) to each cupcake I was making, so I needed a total of three toppers per cupcake. It would be just as cute with one topper, I just liked the firework looking effect of all three stars on each cupcake.
Once you have punched out all of your stars (it only takes seconds for each one), you will need to glue them to your toothpicks. I prefer to use hot glue for projects like this because it avoids needing time to let the project dry. You can put just a teeny amount of glue on the back of the star (about the size of the top of a pin) and then adhere your toothpick. Leave them sitting facedown while you make all of them so the glue has time to cool.
Once you are done gluing you are literally done with your toppers. It is that easy. And you just made WAY more cute DIY cupcake toppers with toothpicks than you could buy…and for pennies! WIN!
For this patriotic party, I purchased my cupcakes. I know….I’m lazy, but I like the way the frosting looks. I need to work on mastering the art of buttercream that stands up like the buttercream on pre-made cupcakes. I just think it looks cuter and holds the decorations better. So, I dressed up my store-bought cupcakes with my DIY Sprinkle Mix…remember that? It is so fun and easy to make and looks SO cute! Make these cookies with it too and then you’ll have matching desserts. 😉 I also ALWAYS put my cupcakes in these little cups. It just dresses them up and makes them look a million times cuter in seconds. Just leave them in their paper wrappers and pop them in the cups. Ta-da!
Once you have added your sprinkles and any other decorative touches to your cupcakes, simply place your DIY Cupcake Toppers with Toothpicks anywhere your little heart desires. Here’s a look at my finished product:
Aren’t those fun?! And so easy!
Ok, I know…picture overload…but I can’t help it. These were too fun to photograph! 😉 . May kids may not cooperate for pictures anymore…but cupcakes sure do! 😉
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Some of our very most popular party ideas can be found here:
Modern Spider Themed Halloween Party
Have a wonderful day!