Handmade Valentine Ideas : I’m Nuts about You Valentine

handmade valentine ideas

It’s time for another free printable Valentine!  This is the last one in my collection of Handmade Valentines for 2016 I’m afraid!  But don’t worry!  I’m already dreaming up ideas for next year!  Print out this “I’m Nuts About You” free printable valentine and whip up 20 of them in no time for all your classroom parties.

handmade valentine ideas


Peanut shaped Nutter Butter cookies work perfectly for these valentines.  I put a few in these frosted glassine bags I had on hand, you can find them easily at craft stores, but you can wrap these up in just about any type of favor or ziploc bag and they will be adorable.  I just love handmade valentines and I love them even more when they are this easy to make!

handmade valentine ideas

I know that sometimes peanut allergies are a concern for classroom valentine exchanges, so if you are worried about peanut allergies, or your school is a peanut free zone, you can substitute  marshmallow circus peanuts for the peanut butter cookies.

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handmade valentine ideas

We have a bunch of other free printable valentines, so be sure to check them out here:

You Drive Me Wild Valentine

Pucker Up Valentine

You Hold the Key to My Heart

Party Hearty Valentine

O Fishally Valentine

Minecraft Valentine Free Printables

What Does the Fox Say Valentines

Kool Aid Valentines

Angry Bird Valentines

Cutie Pie Valentines

Fortune Cookie Valentines

Hugs and Kisses for Valentines

other free printables for teachers and other holidays…

I’d love to have you join me over on Instagram and Facebook.

Have a  great day!


This post was originally published at Skip to my Lou on January 26, 2016.


Creative Director at Pink Peppermint Design
Tammy Mitchell is the founder and creative director of lifestyle blog pinkpeppermintdesign.com. Along with being a homeschooling mom of two kiddos, she is also an in-demand prop and event stylist, photographer, interior and graphic designer. On Pink Peppermint Design, she shares creative DIY projects, easy entertaining and gift ideas, inspiring interiors and events. She lives in Southern California, with her husband and two children.

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