What’s red and white and pink all over? One of my favorite holidays…Valentine’s Day! I seriously love the cheesy, fun, cute and lovey-dovey cards and gifts that this holiday celebrates. If you’re new to the blog, welcome! Definitely take a minute to check out all of the free printable DIY Valentine’s Day Cards from year’s past in the PPD Free Printables Gallery. I always try to come up with a Valentine’s day card template or two each year. This free Queen of Hearts printables valentine is perfect for all the little princesses in your life!
I found cute little tiaras, similar to these (affiliate link) and attached them to the cards. Some of the tiaras have removable hair combs like the one I used, but it the tiaras you find don’t have clips that can detach, you can cut a slit in the card and push the comb through the back to attach it. 🙂 It’s a quick and easy non-candy valentine perfect for any classroom or neighborhood party. Even my 10 year old wants to make these for her girlfriends.
Stay tuned for even more fun DIY Valentine’s Day cards coming soon!
We have a bunch of other free printable valentines, so be sure to check them out here:
Minecraft Valentine Free Printables
What Does the Fox Say Valentines
Hugs and Kisses for Valentines
other free printables for teachers and other holidays…
I would love to have you join me over on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest too, where I love to share all kinds of fun things about design, travel, entertaining and food.
Have a great day!

Oh, those are adorable! They would be so cute as favors for a dress-up or princess themed party, too!
That’s a great idea Leslie! I’ll have to come up with a princess party now! 😉