Free Teacher Appreciation Printable : Thanks for an Amazing Year

I can’t believe that we are headed into the final month of school!  Teacher appreciation week is just around the corner and you know how much I love to celebrate our teachers!  If you are looking for the perfect teacher appreciation printable, look no further!  I have a collection of super cute teacher appreciation printables in pdf format ready to go just for you!  I add at least one new free teacher appreciation printable every year, and this year I am kicking things off with these free printable teacher appreciation 5×7 cards that are easy to add an Amazon Gift card to in a hot second and be done!  Woohoo!!  Cute and easy! That’s my jam! 😉  Affiliate links are included in this post.

free teacher appreciation printable

This cute, free teacher appreciation printable is easy to print at home. When you print our free printables, or have them printed, be sure to do it on 110lb (or heavier) white cardstock.   when I print them at home.

free teacher appreciation printable

You can order Amazon Gift Cards here, in any dollar amount and they will deliver them for free.  Or you can often find them at the grocery store or elsewhere, sometimes even in three packs if you have multiple children/teachers to buy for.  They come in a few different colors, but I would definitely try to find the black ones, simply because they stand out and look great on these free teacher appreciation printable cards.

You can download this free teacher appreciation printable here:

free printables online



I am constantly adding new free printables to the library so you don’t want to miss out! If you subscribe to our weekly newsletter, you will also receive access to our free printables online gallery that changes every month.  You don’t want to miss all of the fun things I have in store!  The access code to the free printables online library changes regularly, so make sure you are checking the most recent newsletters when they come for access.  The new code will always be provided in the most current newsletter.

If you’re on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest come join me there too.  I love to share tons of daily inspiration.  Thank you for sharing this with your friends on your social media channels!  Sharing makes it possible for me to create more freebies for you.  If you are looking for more free printables we have a whole gallery of them available for you!  You can search for more free birthday wishes tags, or printables for most any other occasion or holiday here.

Here are a couple other of our popular free printables:

End of the Year Teacher Gift : I’m Soda-lighted You Were My Teacher This Year

Free Teacher Appreciation Printable- Staples Easy Button Gift Card

Free Teacher Printable-Take Note, You are an Amazing Teacher (attach to cute notecards)

Hip Hip Hooray Birthday Tags

I hope this makes your end of the school year teacher appreciation gift giving easy this year!

happy gifting!


Creative Director at Pink Peppermint Design
Tammy Mitchell is the founder and creative director of lifestyle blog Along with being a homeschooling mom of two kiddos, she is also an in-demand prop and event stylist, photographer, interior and graphic designer. On Pink Peppermint Design, she shares creative DIY projects, easy entertaining and gift ideas, inspiring interiors and events. She lives in Southern California, with her husband and two children.

free teacher appreciation printable

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