I’m so excited to share our next party in out Get the Look series! I hope these ideas are making it easy for you to create your own beautiful and budget friendly parties at home! 🙂
Introducing “Ice Cream Shoppe”
This is such a fun and girly party! Lime green, sky blue, bright pink, and brown come together for a fun, bright and cheery look. You can find this new printable set over in the shop: ICE CREAM PARTY PRINTABLES
I hope you are feeling inspired to create your own ice cream party at home! 🙂 Stay tuned for tutorials coming to show you how to make the darling mini ice cream cone treats and the pom pom garland both for just pennies! 🙂
If you are a shop owner that would like to see your product featured in our “Get the Look” series with direct links to your shop, please contact me at tammymitchell@cox.net with subject line “Get the Look”
Have a great day!