I’m late to the game this week, but I love having these week in review posts because it’s kind of like a journal for me…so I’m posting for the memories. 😉 It was spring break for Ash this past week so we had some fun. 🙂 We kicked off the week at her favorite place…can you guess? 😉
It was SO busy. Like crazy! But we had such a great time! We don’t care so much about whether we get on rides or not, we just love having the time together in a fun place. I just love this girl to pieces and will take all the time with her that I can get.
I did a little photo shoot of the powder bathroom renovation and shared it the other day…did you catch it?
Ash and I hopped on a plane and headed back to snowy UT after a beautiful few days in OC. It’s always hard to leave that view! I think it’s a mean trick that Newport Beach plays on you whenever you leave. 😉
It was SO snowy when we landed. SLC had a major storm the night before we arrived and it dropped over 20 inches at our house. CRAZY!! Fortunately it was short lived and the temperatures heated up quickly and melted it all away. Fun friends came to visit and we went to do fun things in Provo. We hit the BYU Baseball game on Friday night. I had never been to one before and it was a great time. I love having all the fun things to do that a college campus offers right down the street.
It was a gorgeous night for a game!
We had to take them all of our favorite places. Burgers Supreme has been a favorite for 25 years.
Saturday we celebrated our favorite guy…the GOAT of our family. See what I did there? 😉
He is obsessed with this goat for some reason…he always loves to drive by and see if he’s outside…and if he’s on his rock he’s even more excited about it. lol! It was his lucky birthday treat to see him out and on his rock so he needed a birthday selfie. He was gifted some really nice tickets to the last Jazz game of the season, so we enjoyed a great afternoon as a family.
It is definitely a thrill to see the game up this close. I’m not a huge basketball fan…but I can be a fan of anything with a view like this!
Sunday morning we headed to church bright and early to celebrate Easter. Such a beautiful morning.
I came home right away to start baking and cooking for our Easter feast. Orange rolls are always a must in our house for Easter.
The boys got dressed up for Easter too. 😉
Fun friends came over for dinner and we ate, chatted and had a fun photo scavenger hunt planned for the kids.
Jill was, of course, in charge of all the cuteness…matching ties for the boys and treats for the scavenger hunt winners.
It was such a fun week, but now it’s back to business! I have a few appointments this week for estimates on the Alumni House, Ash is baking up a storm for a few orders she has and taking the ACT. It will be a busy one!
Have a great week!