Happy Monday!! What a week it has been. We had company this week and it just flew by way too fast. My sister and her cute family came to stay and play for their fall break. We lucked out with perfect weather and gorgeous fall leaves to give them a real taste of fall…something they really don’t get in AZ. I always love having my family around and my home full of people!
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Monday was a bit of a difficult day. A colleague of John’s lost his young wife unexpectedly. He attended the funeral and it was a good reminder to cherish everyday. We decided to take the rest of the afternoon and drive through the colorful canyons and spend time together. We were treated to the most beautiful display of fall leaves that I’ve ever seen in the 6 falls we have spent here. It was truly spectacular.
The aspen trees turn the most gorgeous shade of yellow. The look incredible against the evergreens.
The maple trees are fire-y red and orange.
And then all the shades come together in the most amazing display of mother nature’s glory.
We popped into the Homestead Resort and they had the cutest pumpkin wall. I just love fall and this boy.
We ended up in Midway at one of my favorite spots to eat…Lola’s Street Kitchen.
The rest of the week was a bit of a blur. I went to Provo with my sister to spend the day with Andy on campus, which was totally fun. Oh, and my cabinet finally came!! I have had my eye on it for over a year and finally bought it on super sale a few weeks ago. I have been so excited for it to arrive and make this room feel a little bit more grown up. It’s not decorated yet, but I’m so excited to have it!
Ash goes to Mathnasium several afternoons a week…and it’s only an hour…so it’s kind of a pain to go all the way and then come back to get her 25 min later. So…instead I find myself at Target which is only 3 minutes away. It’s dangerous. lol! A few of the cute things I’m loving right now…
This lamp is a near perfect dupe of a Pottery Barn Lamp. The Target version…$60. The PB version…$269. These sell out so fast, right now they have several so get them while you can!
These are my favorite dish towels. They come out with new ones every few months so I buy them often because they are so useful. This pattern right now is so cute with the navy.
I love the touch of brass on this pretty cookbook stand. Unlike others that are often not substantial enough to really hold a cookbook, this one is, and I REALLY like it. And, you can’t beat the price.
Ash is so cute. She has been working really hard on learning to do gel nails. I’m sorry, but I just can’t justify new $65 nails every couple of weeks for myself, much less a 16 year old! I told her I would buy her some polish and the supplies needed and she could teach herself how to do it. She could learn a skill and save a bunch of money. So she has been practicing and she did my nails for the first time on Thursday to get me ready for the BYU game. She did SUCH an awesome job!
Friday morning we packed out bags and headed out on a quick road trip to Viva Las Vegas!
We had dinner reservations at one of my favorite spots and then tickets to the Michael Jackson One show. We barely made it to town in time…but we got there and the food and show were both fantastic!!
I had seen the show last year and loved it, so when we were taking the kids down for the weekend, I knew we had to take them to see it.
The cutest Barbie pop-up at the mall in Vegas had Ash living her best Barbie life. 😉
Saturday afternoon we headed to Allegiant Stadium for the Shamrock Series – Notre Dame vs. BYU.
Andy’s cute roommates drove down for the game too. They met up after and went to check out Vegas since the other boys had never been.
The game didn’t end up the way we would have liked, but John got a bacon wrapped hot dog, so all was well. 😉
They have always been a tradition after USC games in LA, so he was a happy boy!
We walked down the strip just a little…it’s been a little scary lately, so we didn’t go too far, but it’s always fun to see the lights.
Sunday morning we packed up early to get out. We didn’t leave quite early enough though…we got stuck in some pretty heavy traffic and it took us about 9 hours to get back…which should have taken us about 7. Yuck! At least the drive was pretty!
The highlight of driving through St. George is always a stop at Farmstead bakery. If you haven’t been…it is a must! Such great sandwiches and pastries!
We are excited to head to provo this coming week and celebrate all the fun activities they have going on in town for Homecoming week. Can’t wait to share the festivities with you next week!
Have a wonderful Monday!