Happy Monday! Are you trying to recover from the weekend’s football festivities yesterday? We had a fun watch party at some dear friend’s house with a yummy spread and great conversation…along with a little football watching. 😉 What a game!
This week flew by. I feel like all of February is going to be a bit of a blur actually! No matter how craxy all of these days are, I’m still trying to get my steps in every day. If I can get at least 12000 I feel like I’ve done some good. And of course, a polar pop is always a motivator! 😉
I spent a good part of this week trying to figure out the whole “reels” situation over on Instagram. I made a few…did you see them? This one about making a pretty arrangement with Trader Joe’s eucalyptus bundles seemed to resonate with people…
Do you use Instagram much? How do you feel about the reels v. still pictures? Everything changes so fast it’s hard to keep up some times, and I feel like I miss the still images because I like to really study all of the details of a room. But, reels are what the algorithm wants…so I’m trying! lol! You can see everything I’ve been up to so far here…Pink Peppermint Design on Instagram.LUNCH WITH MY GIRL
The best reward of having a homeschooling child is the time you get to spend with them all day, In the middle of the day when everyone else in in school. She works really hard to get all of her assignments completed early so that we have extra time to go do fun things. This week we got to go and try a new restaurant by the beach on a gorgeous afternoon.
I ordered brunch and it was yummy!
My grandma recently relocated to a cute little place back in San Diego where she has spent most of her life until the last several years in Arizona. It is so nice to have her close by so that I can pop in for a visit every now and then when I am in Orange County. She is 89 years young and still SO active and just amazing. I hope that I can be half as incredible as she is at her age when I’m 70! lol!
She has always been a gardener and I had to laugh at her cute sweatshirt. It said “COMPOST because a rind is a terrible thing to waste.” A perfect sweatshirt for her. 😉
John was supposed to arrive in town on Friday at 4:30 so we had a fun evening at Disneyland planned for date night. Well…Delta had other plans and his flight was delayed 4 hours…so we ended up making a quick trip over for a churro and a corndog and shut the place down. 😉 It wasn’t as long of a date night as we would have liked, but any time together is a treat!
I’m looking forward to a busy week with a great three-day weekend ahead! Lots of work to get through but there’s always some fun to squeeze in between!
Did you see the free printable I posted yesterday? If you need some last minute valentines be sure to check out the printable library and download some!
I hope you have a wonderful week!