Happy Monday! How are you? I woke up this morning feeling like…whoa?! It is May next week! I feel a bit like a broken record every week, but I cannot believe how fast this year is flying by. I feel like we were just moving Andy into his dorm and this week we move him out! What??!! He’s been working hard (or hardly working, lol!) on finals since Friday and has a few more days to go, then it’s move out time this weekend!
This week was an exciting one for Ash. She had the biggest cupcake order to date…13 dozen!!! And to make things even more exciting, the order was for a work meeting with one of the Jazz sponsors and they were having Collin Sexton from the Utah Jazz come to speak. She worked really hard to create all kinds of yummy flavor combinations and cute designs that worked with the Jazz theme and colors.
Collin ended up being so super kind and filmed a video with her to tell everyone to go get themselves some cupcakes! She was overwhelmed to say the least! 😉 She works SO hard, it is really nice to see other people recognize her hard work and enjoy those amazing cupcakes!
I officially became an old lady this week, so that was exciting. 😉 I’ve never worn glasses or contacts before, but recently I’ve noticed that I can’t quite see things as clearly as I used to be able to. 😉 I am a HUGE wimp when it comes to any kind of dr.’s appt and apparently going to the optometrist is the same for me. lol! I made an appointment and had to have Ash come with me…because of the whole wimp thing. After a super quick (and I mean QUICK!) and painless appointment, I walked away with a prescription for some computer glasses. For some reason, I’m on the computer a lot…hmmm…I wonder why. 😉 I can’t wait for them to show up in a few more days.
John lucked into some tickets to Muse on Thursday night, so we rounded up Andy and his roommate and their girlfriends and Ashley and went for a fun night. I didn’t really know what to expect because I thought I only knew like 5 of their songs…which was true, but the concert was SO much fun! A total rock show.
Last week Post Malone opened a Canes restaurant in SLC, so they were open late and the kids were dying to check it out. It did not disappoint! Lots of pink and cool memorabilia…and chicken strips!
Speaking of pink, I found this week. While I usually stick to my favorite black, gray and white, this was kind of calling my name and the color is AWESOME! It’s a splurge for sure, but I am in desperate need of some nicer tops, so I decided to get it.
We spent the majority of this weekend having lots of fun….filling sandbags!! Yep. Aren’t you jealous? 😉 There has been SO much snow this year…record breaking levels…and there is now major concern about serious flooding. In 1983 Salt Lake became a lake…people boating down the streets, homes destroyed. A real mess. Well, things are looking like they might be headed that direction again this year, so we are all a bit on edge. The city and county are gearing up and asking residents to help with the sandbagging efforts.
We live not far from one of the creek offshoots that they are most worried about flooding this year so needless to say, we are kind of concerned. John has been out a few times on the weeknights with members of the community and our local congregation to help sandbag critical areas, and on Saturday we went ourselves to help shore up things around our house. We are keeping our fingers crossed and praying that our home and those of our neighbors are protected.
It’s sure to be another busy week ahead. Temps are warming up and we may start to see some of that flooding…we shall see. It will be interesting to watch!
Have a great week!