Week in Review

Happy April Fool’s Day!! Are you a big prankster? I used to enjoy doing funny little things for the kids when they were little, but I don’t do much now. I sure like to see the funny things that others do though! I was actually induced to have Andy on April 1st and I was stressed out that he was going to come that day and always have April Fool’s Day as his birthday. Fortunately, he waited for a day. 😉

Around the House : Projects  & Updates

I love a holiday and having guests because it spurs me on to get home projects done, things cleaned up and generally making things look a little more put together around here. 😉 This week I spent time putting together the Easter table and getting things bought and ready to host dinner for some college kids. 

I’ve been trying to be better about actually using the dining room to eat rather than just to store stuff out of the way. 😉 It was fun to break out some plates that I’ve had for a few years but never really used, order a new tablecloth and hit Trader Joe’s for a bunch of pretty flowers. 

Customer Favorites : Best Sellers This Week


New on the Blog : In Case You Missed It

Life & Family : This Week’s Happenings

I love it when my kids send me pictures of what  they are up to on a regular day. It’s so fun to get a random text with a picture, especially when it’s them out doing service. Ash went to plant some flowers on the temple grounds this week with some of her roommates. Love to see these kids out doing good. 

John and I went up to Sundance to spend an evening at the Owl Bar listening to live music and enjoying some yummy food. I love a spot with live music. It was a good time and I can’t wait to go back!

We needed to be in Provo for a couple of days this week, so it meant I had to be more strategic about planning for our big Easter dinner. If you know how important these orange rolls are to our family, then you know they were definitely on the menu! Kind of a lot of work to make two batches(…72 rolls!), but also a must and I love to do it because everyone looks forward to them so much.

The kids were excited to decorate eggs, so I boiled a few dozen a couple of days before the big event so they would be ready to go!

Dinner was so fun with everyone!

Then we had a little big kid egg hunt and white elephant gift game. It was a crack up.

Sure do love these kids. They bring such a light into our home.

Up & Coming

This week be on the lookout for a new free printable and a few other fun things! This is the time of year when we start getting lots of company. Volleyball tournaments bring lots of our CA friends into town, as does General Conference and Graduation. Bring it! I love to see friends!!

Here are this week’s TJ Maxx finds that will disappear quickly! Enjoy!

tj maxx home


tj maxx home


tj maxx home


tj maxx home


tj maxx home


Have a great week!



Creative Director at Pink Peppermint Design
Tammy Mitchell is the founder and creative director of lifestyle blog pinkpeppermintdesign.com. Along with being a homeschooling mom of two kiddos, she is also an in-demand prop and event stylist, photographer, interior and graphic designer. On Pink Peppermint Design, she shares creative DIY projects, easy entertaining and gift ideas, inspiring interiors and events. She lives in Southern California, with her husband and two children.

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