Happy Monday! Whew! What a doozy of a week! To say I’m excited to start a new one is probably an understatement! 😉 Ash probably sums things up best with this image…
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HA! It wasn’t all bad…but it did feel a wee bit crazy! Monday started with me in bed feeling under the weather courtesy of a vaccine booster. I was expecting it, but it’s still never fun to feel yucky. We have some overseas travel coming up and so a booster was a necessity. A trip to the dentist a a few days later to find out about my impacted wisdom teeth that need to come out followed by a trip to Urgent Care yesterday to take care of a surprise staph infection rounded out the week. Like I said…super fun. 😉 lol!
Ash kicked things off on Monday while I was too weak to protest by dragging ALL of the Christmas boxes out of all the nooks and crannies they have been hiding in for the last year. Basically the house looked like Christmas exploded. What I thought was going to be a fairly easy project letting her set up the tree turned into a tedious 4 day project for moi when we discovered a strand of lights on the pre-lit tree weren’t working anymore due to a couple of shattered bulbs. We just got last Christmas (no one seems to have a pre-lit version this year due to tree shortages) and it is SO pretty, so I was determined to fix it! I attempted to fix the sockets, but it just didn’t work. So, many painstaking hours later, I finally unwound the last of the strand from the twisted branches and freed them from the tree. I replaced the old strand with a new one and we were good to go. Hallelujah! If you are looking for a similar spruce tree that is a bit more full and pre-lit, and in stock!
By Saturday I could not stand the mess of boxes any longer so it was time to get our serious decorating on! 😉 Christmas tunes were blaring and of the season was burning. It smells SO good! You will never need a real tree again! 😉 The last of the empty boxes went back into storage yesterday and these halls are almost decked!
A bright spot in the week is ALWAYS talking to this cutie on Monday. He moved to a new area of MI this week, so we are anxious to hear all about it today. This updated profile picture of his gave me a little glimpse into just how pretty this new area is.
Here’s my public service announcement for the week…if you haven’t tried these amazing cookies yet, don’t delay! They are SO good!! But they are very dangerous to have around…so consider yourself warned! 😉
While I don’t love driving in it, foggy nights around here this time of year are one of my favorite things. They are so pretty!! It makes the world seem so quiet.
Did you enjoy your extra hour of sleep yesterday? I sure did! I saw this meme floating around the internet and I thought it was hilarious. Speaking of memes…I LOVE them. Probably a little too much. It’s perfect for the whole family and makes a great gift!! I stayed up WAY too late on Saturday shopping, (you know it’s late when your Nordstrom cart says something along the lines of “isn’t shopping so much better than sleeping?” HA! Clever!) so I was very grateful for the extra hour. Here are a few of the cute things I bought. Great sales are starting to happen all the time, so I’m getting my gifting on!
I have LOTS of fun stuff in store this week on the blog. I can’t wait to share! I hope you are looking forward to a great week!