I spent most of the weekend drooling over The Homestead at Bridle Creek’s Blueberry Buckle muffins, so yesterday, when the kids asked for waffles, I decided to add a little twist. 😉 Introducing the blueberry buckle waffle recipe. 😉 It’s not complicated, just my favorite waffle recipe with the addition of some blueberries and topped with a crumble mixture on top of the syrup. If you’re into starting the New Year off with a healthy breakfast, than this one probably isn’t for you, but don’t worry…when you fall off the wagon in a week or two, this recipe will be here waiting. 😉
Delicious Blueberry Buckle Waffles
This is my favorite waffle iron. It makes them in a flash and they turn out perfect every time. There is a double iron that is on my list because then I can crank them out even faster for a crowd. If you have a large family, I would consider getting the double. These freeze wonderfully too, so you can eat them all week! Just keep the crumble topping in an airtight container.
Are you hungry yet? Have fun making (and eating!) these delicious blueberry buckle waffles!