Happy Monday! It’s official…everyone is back to school and work in our house today, the New Year is underway. While part of me gets a little sad that the holidays are over, the other part of me is excited to have a clean slate and get back to work!
I spent a lot of time over the holidays thinking about this blog. Since we’re celebrating our three month blogiversary, I have been looking back over the last 12 weeks to get a feel for things and see how they are working, if there is anything I want to add, change etc. Re-evaluating where we’ve come, where we’re going (…exciting things are happening here in 2015!) and just kind of giving myself an over-all grade. 😉 So, I have some questions for you, and I’m hoping you’ll play along. 🙂
My over-all vision for Pink Peppermint Design has always been to share beautiful things. When I say “designing, entertaining, and crafting in style” it truly is what I’m passionate about…but I’m not just here to show you gorgeous, unattainable events, living spaces and design or just to show you HOW to do things. I’m here to show you that these things are POSSIBLE. A little time and a little know-how in the form of pictures/videos and instructions and YOU can create any thing you see here. I want everything I do to be approachable, unintimidating and do-able! (preferably in minutes!) 😉
-What are your feelings about Pink Peppermint Design? Am I giving you what you want to see? What would you like to see more/less of? I feel like I struggle sometimes with how “personal” to get here. Finding the right “voice” if you will. I mean the voice you’re getting is 100% me, I’m just not sure if I should share more of it! 😉 lol! I know that I enjoy reading about people’s lives on their blogs (I mean, not a book, 😉 but getting a little insight every now and then ;)) it helps me feel like I know them better. I think Courtney over at A Thoughtful Place is a perfect mix of fun, fashion, and family. So, maybe I’ll get a little more personal here from time to time. Show you some of the chaos behind the blog. 😉 Thoughts?
-Is posting 7 days a week too much? I’ve toying with paring it down a bit…maybe 4-5 times a week…what do you think? Do you get a chance to check in EVERY day? I love posting, and this blog is definitely my third baby, but wondering if I’m drowning you in posts. 😉
I’d like to try something here. I was searching instagram (at 4am this morning as I was lying in bed trying to fall asleep, but my brain wasn’t cooperating!) looking back at all of my posts from 2014 and noticed that I constantly refer to everything that I am sharing as “SO easy!” “just takes a minute” etc. SO, I started a new hashtag on instagram #madeinminutes and I want to tie that in here. I know that we are all super busy and always looking for great ideas that only take a few minutes. I want to give a Made In Minutes Monday theme a try and see if having a link party might be a fun thing to do. It might be a hit…it might be a flop! 😉 Only time will tell. I’m excited about it though, so I hope you are too! 🙂
Here’s how it will work:
-Each Monday will have a different theme. Recipes, crafts, party ideas, free printables, etc. The theme for each week will be in the post title.
-Posting period will be from midnight PST on Sunday night, to 11:59pm PST on Monday night.
-Your post HAS TO MEET THE THEME for that week or it will be removed. (Of course, it goes without saying, but I’m going to say it anyways…content must be appropriate for all ages.)
-Images for your thumbnail should be high quality images. Think of beautiful images on pinterest…that’s what we’re looking for! 🙂 We want to keep the integrity of the PPD site look and feel. I will pick a few of my favorites each week and tweet about them and post them on the PPD instagram and facebook accounts too! (with a link to the poster of course!)
-Encourage posters with kind comments. Hopefully these will become a fun resource for new, fun, easy ideas that you can make in minutes! 🙂
So, should we start with our first one? Here we go…
[inlinkz_linkup id=480625 mode=1]
I’m excited to hear what you think and see what you have in store!
Have a great day!

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on ppd. Regards