It’s the most wonderful time of the year…time to unearth mounds of boxes and rubbermaid tubs full of sparkly decorations and transform the house into a wonderland. I might like Christmas a little bit…can you tell? 😉 Last year we were still very much in transition into this house in UT. Construction wasn’t even finished yet and out things arrived from CA just weeks before Christmas…so decorating kind of took a back seat. Well this year is a different story. I have new rooms to decorate and I couldn’t be more excited! I always struggle when it comes to Christmas living room decorating ideas..or just Christmas decorating in general because there are SO many fun ideas and different directions to head in, I get a bit overwhelmed. I am really a traditional red and green girl at heart…but my regular everyday decor in the UT house is more navy and pinks…so trying to figure out a way to work with it all has had me a bit stumped this year. Well, good news! I have finally narrowed it down and I can’t wait to show you our Christmas decorating ideas for this year. I am a good old fashioned mood board maker and planner when it comes to Christmas decorating ideas..because if I did anything else I would WAY overspend. Even though I like to change things up frequently, I also try to do a good job of incorporating as much as I can of what I already have on hand to help keep costs down. I’m not sure if John believes that or not though. lol! 😉 Alright…drumroll please….here is the Christmas living room decorating ideas mood board…affiliate links are included for your shopping convenience.
Guys I am so excited for this! I’ll tell you what really started it all (well besides a painting I have hanging in the dining room…you can see a peek of it in the above picture) are these pillows. I saw them a few weeks ago and fell head over heels in love. I have been looking for the perfect blue/pink combo for the living room design for MONTHS just for my everyday decor. When I saw those I had to have them…and then they totally influenced my Christmas living room decorating ideas too. With a blue rug and very neutral furniture pieces already in this room, I really could have gone a ton of different directions with the decor, but this one won me over and I am SO excited to get started decorating today! You can see what the living room currently looks like for fall here.
Here are all of the items I’ll be including in this Christmas living room, click on any image for more information about that product. Several of the items are on sale this weekend, and quantities are limited. I know the tree was sold out by the second week of November last year…which is why I jumped on it extra early this year!
This will transition into the dining room and entry way too. And then…just WAIT to see what I have planned for the kitchen and family room! We will pick up red when we get into the kitchen and family room Christmas decorating so I can have the best of both worlds! 😉 . I’ll share that tomorrow.
You can see Christmas decorating ideas from our past homes and years in these posts…
Farmhouse Christmas Family Room
Mad for Plaid Christmas Family Room Decor
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Happy decorating!