Interior Design: Pops of Orange for October

While Halloween is fun, October doesn’t have to be all about spooky décor.  Celebrate the season by adding pops of orange to your normal everyday décor.  The best part?  It can stay after the holiday is over.  I’ve rounded up a few of my favorites from around the web to help you get started. 🙂

(click on each image for more information)

Orange looks great with a wide range of colors, so no matter what your décor you can find a way to incorporate this fun, happy color into your home.

orange home decor collage copy

Happy Designing!



Creative Director at Pink Peppermint Design
Tammy Mitchell is the founder and creative director of lifestyle blog Along with being a homeschooling mom of two kiddos, she is also an in-demand prop and event stylist, photographer, interior and graphic designer. On Pink Peppermint Design, she shares creative DIY projects, easy entertaining and gift ideas, inspiring interiors and events. She lives in Southern California, with her husband and two children.

Orange design

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